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JV's Brain Backup

Hi, I'm João Victor!

Here you'll find posts about technology and some thoughts about life. Feel free to reach out, especially if you have a good book recommendation! :)

How not to make mistakes twice

· 6 min read
João Victor
Developer @ Quave

Yes, I will talk about it, in the right way. I’m not a course seller or a coach. I’m just a person learning to be more efficient. I don’t like magic formulas or “success secrets”, I prefer practical, smart, and tangible actions, that anyone can do. I was thinking about how to approach it without vague and superfluous words, and I think I got a good result. This post is divided into three pillars that I follow to never make the same mistake twice. Let’s start.

Techocalypse Now: Extreme Hypotheticals for Developers

· 6 min read
João Victor
Developer @ Quave

I recently read a blog post called Extreme brainstorming questions to trigger new, better ideas written by Jason Cohen. In summary, the text shows several extreme scenarios that can affect a business model and invites the reader to think about what to do in each of them. I have discussed this with friends and it was a good conversation and generated a lot of insights in my head.

So, I decided to write something similar but focused on the developer industry. I hope the following text can provoke some good ideas for you too.